Restorative Yoga & The 5 Elements: Teaching Restorative Yoga and Meditation Focusing on Deep Ecology
We are not separate from nature we are one with her. In this course we will reconnect with Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether/Space as guides in our journey toward healing, self-discovery and transformation.
The 5 elements are fundamentals part of ourselves. Each one of us has a unique make up of the elements inside of us. The elements influence us. The elements tell our story. The elements offer us a deep connection back to our True Self.
In this course I will share with you what I have learned and experienced over the years about the 5 Elements. This course is a fusion of spiritual teachings from Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism and Indigenous Wisdom passed to me from my Ancestors, African Diaspora people know as the Gullahs living in the Sea Islands in South Carolina.